The True King of New York: Charles Barkley Wants Dave To Give Frank 'A Fucking Raise', Immediately Bond Over NBA Players Being Soft Today

What a fucking world man. First off, shout out Frank for the walks. Dude is taking it serious and that deserves all the shout outs. Plus it's now a walk of stars from SVP to Dave and that traitor Saquon. But this? This is the holy grail for most people. Just hanging out with Charles Barkley who is calling your boss out by name to give you a raise and then talk about current NBA players being soft. Guys being dudes. 

It's been talked about before but think about the butterfly effect from this moment: 

That train shows up on time and we don't get the most iconic Frank the Tank rant to date. He doesn't become the viral sensation, we don't get Frankie Midnights and then getting hired by Dave. On one hand, we know NJ Transit is incompetent on the other hand, it's how we were introduced to Frank. Now he's bumping shoulders with Charles Barkley and debating if the Devils are soft or not. 

Now as for this? Do you know what sort of high one would have if Charles Barkley is saying you deserve a fucking raise? It's up there with the Titus look when Alex Caruso called him a shooter, but you know, monetary value. 

Incredible. Gotta hand it to Frank for playing it cool though. He is who he is, you bring up the Devils, he's gonna call them feeble and soft. Chuck avoided something even more by not mentioning the Mets. Veteran camerawork by Barkley there. The king of New York strikes again. 

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